International Day for the elimination of violence against women: together, we say "No"


In the world, around 736 million women experience violence at least once in their lifetime (30 percent of women aged 15 and over). Only 40% of them ask for help. Every day 137 women are killed by a member of their family. In the European Union, one in 10 women report having been harassed on the web since 15. These numbers only scratch the surface of the violence against women. The violence that, for many, has become their normality, their living hell. And it is in support of these women; our company has decided to internally promote the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, on 25th November. This anniversary marks a brutal murder in 1960 in the Dominican Republic, where the three Mirabal sisters, considered revolutionaries, were tortured and killed.

We asked to take a selfie with a red sign under the eye, symbolizing this fight. A simple but significant gesture to reflect on this crucial day and understand that only together can we defeat violence. The participation has been very high and, a factor of great pride for us, many men decided to join.

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